501.AA/7–1846: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union ( Smith ) to the Secretary of State


2203. Concern of Chinese Foreign Office over possible secret agreement between USSR and Mongolian Peoples Republic providing for maintenance of Soviet troops in MPR (Department’s 1282, July 14).13

Department is, of course, aware of USSR-MPR treaty of February 27, 1946, providing for mutual assistance (Department State Bulletin June 2, page 968). We do not know of any secret annexes or other treaties specifically providing for maintenance of Soviet troops in MPR.

We feel Chinese anxiety over alleged secret agreement is unrealistic. As Soviet satellite MPR is inescapably bound to and subject to USSR [Page 418] through operation of Soviet secret police and party apparatus. Soviet-MPR treaties, secret or open, are therefore matter of form. Soviet penetration and control of MPR is assumed to be so effective that MPR army may be regarded as under direction of Red Army General Staff and to all intents and purposes a part of Soviet military machine. Thus, unless MPR is confronted by major threat, there is no need for Red Army in MPR. If MPR is “threatened” USSR has right by known treaty of February 27 to send Red Army into MPR.

Soviet military relationship to MPR scarcely differs from that with Poland or Yugoslavia, both of whom are members of UNO. If we resist MPR entry into UNO simply because of its military relationship with USSR it would not be surprising if USSR raised question of British military relationship with Iraq and India or ours with Philippine Republic.

Department repeat to Nanking as Moscow’s 89.

  1. This was a repeat of the first paragraph of telegram 418, July 12, 8:15 p.m., from New York; see p. 413.