501.BB/2–746: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Stettinius) to the Secretary of State


1514. Delun 247. [Here follows summary of the January 25 meeting of the Security Council, and part of the January 28 meeting, as these related to the membership question.]

After my motion was defeated (Delun 171)32 there followed extended discussion at end of which it was agreed to place item on agenda on clear understanding that question of time when subject should be considered will be determined by SC when this item is reached.

Albanian application has since remained last item on published agenda of each meeting of SC. Presumably question as to when to consider request will be decided after consideration of Greek problem and Indonesia question has been finished.

I believe it likely that Albanian application will not have to be considered again in London. If, however, it comes up either in normal course of events or in connection with consideration of question of moving to US, I propose to take same line as before and to attempt to postpone consideration until after Council is in session at temporary site.

It is significant that Poland and Soviet Union both supported early consideration of Albanian application and indicated that they would support application itself. While there has been no public Greek opposition to application, Glintaris of Greek delegation on January 29, in long conversation with Hare emphasized that incidents of this kind fitted perfectly into familiar pattern of Russian encroachment in Balkans which he doubted either British or US delegations fully appreciated. Moreover, Aghnides telephoned member of staff same day [Page 363] suggesting that when Albanian question is raised I might wish to suggest that in view of Greece’s proximity to Albania, SC would desire to hear from Greek delegate. He expressed view that it would be inappropriate for a state which has not yet entered into peace arrangements to be singled out as first new member. Unless otherwise instructed I shall not make such a suggestion as it might indicate a tendency to support Greek position in Greek Albanian issues.

Freitas Valle of Brazil who supported me in Council January 28 remarked in [apparent omission] today expressing to me belief that SC could finish in three or four meetings that he hoped it would do so before Albanian item came up.

I would welcome any comments or suggestions Dept cares to make.33

  1. See footnote 30, p. 361.
  2. In telegram 1403, Undel 198, February 11, 7 p.m., to London, the Delegation was informed that “Dept approves your course of action proposed in fifth paragraph of Delun 247 and desires that you continue effort to secure postponement of vote. Please inform us of probable time of vote. Department will cable further instructions prepared in the light of current developments in Albania.” (501.BB/2–746).

    The Department instructed further in telegram 1495, Undel 207, February 13, 8 p.m., to London, that “Dept assumes that question of Albanian application will probably be disposed of by vote to consider at later meeting of Security Council. If, however, your efforts toward this end should fail, Dept desires that you vote along general lines of your statement in paragraph 2 of Delun 247. …”(501.AA/2–1346).

    The question was in fact voted upon the evening of February 13, when Mr. Stettinius offered a motion that “… this item be kept on our agenda, but that disposition be deferred, pending further study, until the Security Council convenes at the temporary headquarters.” Mr. Stettinius added: “My Government desires to have more time to examine the problem.” The motion was carried. (SC, 1st yr., 1st series, p. 268.)