
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs (Hiss)

Mr. Ross called me back and said that Senator Austin had talked with the Secretary and had informed him of the Department’s views as set forth in a separate memorandum of conversation of today on the same subject. Mr. Ross said that the Secretary had not been impressed by the Department’s arguments. The Secretary had decided that the Senator should tell the other delegations concerned that on the next ballot we will vote for Turkey and for Byelo-Russia and that thereafter we will consider ourselves as not being necessarily obligated to any delegation, reserving freedom of action to determine our vote after seeing the results of that ballot. The Secretary had emphasized the desirability of our maintaining the utmost flexibility. However, Mr. Ross said that it was clear from the Secretary’s conversation with Senator Austin that the Secretary’s mind is set in the direction of our continuing to support Turkey and Byelo-Russia. Mr. Ross had the impression that it would take considerable in the way of new developments to cause the Secretary to change his view on this.

Mr. Ross said that the Secretary left it to the discretion of Senator Austin as to how many other delegations should be informed of our position. Apparently the Secretary was aware of the fact that it would not be possible to keep our position a secret but had felt it was not desirable to make a public statement of the matter. Mr. Ross said the Secretariat is hoping that further plenary sessions can be postponed until December 6 in order to permit uninterrupted committee work. If further balloting is postponed until then there is certainly every likelihood of considerable inquiry developing on the part of other delegations and of the press as to the U.S. position.

Senator Austin plans to inform Dr. Van Kleffens59 at dinner tonight of our position and is sending a note today to Gromyko. In view of the fact that we will continue on the next ballot to support Turkey, the Senator is informing the Turkish Delegation indirectly (I assume through Mr. Villard and Mr. Wadsworth).

  1. Dr. E. N. van Kleffens, Deputy Head of the Netherlands Delegation to the General Assembly and Netherlands Representative on the Security Council.