IO Files: US/A/118
Memorandum by Henry S. Villard of the United States Delegation Staff of Advisers to the Principal Adviser (Sandifer) and Interested Political Officers
York,] November 8, 1946.
Subject: Arab Slate for Councils Elections
- 1.
- Mr. Wadsworth and I have been informed, last evening and today,
that the Arab Delegations, having received appropriate instructions,
have decided unanimously that their candidates are:
- Syria, for Security Council
- Lebanon, for ECOSOC
- Iraq, for Trusteeship Council
- 2.
- The Egyptian Ambassador to the United States,47 speaking as “the Senior Arab Representative to the United States”, made special point of saying he would go all out to plead full election of this slate. Adding that he “was sacrificing an interest of his own country” in thus supporting Lebanon, he urged that that State was a far more logical choice than the Netherlands for ECOSOC, Belgium being already a member. The Netherlands, he felt would wait until next year when Belgium went off, thus maintaining continuity of representation of the Belgian-Netherlands economic union.
- 3.
- Mr. Wadsworth and I gather anew that there will be extensive small-power support for this Arab slate, despite any preference we may express to the contrary, unless such expression of preference carry with it strongly expressed definitive opposition to a specifically-named state on the Arab slate. Our understanding of the Department’s views is that no such opposition is to be expressed.
- Mahmoud Hassan.↩