The Assistant Secretary of State (Clayton) to the Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Soong)23
My Dear Dr. Soong: Referring to our recent conversation during which the registration of American firms in China was mentioned, I [Page 1216] should appreciate it very much if before you leave the United States it would be possible for us to discuss this matter further. The Department is concerned over the fact that, although the date (June 30, 1945) for filing registration and submitting documents is approaching, new laws and regulations have not been promulgated and also that the Minister of Economic Affairs has stated that it is doubtful whether legislation will be enacted prior to that time.
In view of the fact that under existing registration regulations American companies are hesitant to enter into business relations in China, and of the importance of this question with respect to our future commercial relations with your country, we are extremely desirous that your Government may find it possible to enact very soon new legislation in this field embodying clear and precise requirements for the registration of American and other foreign firms. Such action, we believe, would redound to our mutual advantage in helping toward an expansion of post-war trade.
Sincerely yours,