893.00/12–145: Telegram
The Counselor of Embassy in China (Smyth) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 1—11:33 a.m.]
2076. This afternoon Dr. Wang Shih-chieh, Minister Foreign Affairs, gave me top secret memorandum dated December 1 regarding developments in Manchuria subsequent to those mentioned in FonOff memorandum of November 15 (Embtel 1999, November 16 to Dept, repeated to Moscow). Substance of memorandum follows:
Secretary of State was informed in FonOff memorandum of November 15 of course of negotiations between Soviet and Chinese [Page 1047] Govts which culminated in withdrawal of Chinese Govt personnel to Shanhaikwan from Changchun. (Sent to Dept, repeated to Moscow.) Soviet Govt has since intimated that the way was open for air transportation of Chinese troops to Mukden and Changchun without obstruction or hindrance and that Soviet Govt on its part was prepared to postpone date for completion of withdrawal of Soviet forces from Manchuria, if Chinese Govt so desired, in order to allow time for Chinese troops to take over evacuated territories. Chinese Govt has accordingly agreed to postponement to January 3, 1946 for completion of withdrawal of Soviet forces which originally was by mutual agreement scheduled to be completed by December 3, 1945. Two high ranking officials are now being sent by Chinese Govt to Changchun in order to discuss with Marshal Malinovsky arrangements in detail for transportation by air of Chinese forces and related matters. Chinese Govt in meantime has also notified Soviet Govt that Chinese Govt troops will be transported by rail to Chinchow from Shanhaikwan en route to Mukden for purpose of taking over regions from which Soviet forces have withdrawn already. (Dr. Wang commented orally that area from which Soviet forces have already withdrawn is roughly south of Mukden.)
While it is not unaware of many difficulties still ahead, Chinese Govt in accepting the latest Soviet démarche is motivated by earnest desire to reach an arrangement with Soviet Govt for amelioration of the grave situation in Manchuria. (End substance of memorandum.)
Dr. Wang remarked that situation in Manchuria was still uncertain as it was not always sure that Russians would live up to their agreements. He said, however, that Chinese Govt intended to exercise patience in hope that eventually lawful occupation of Manchuria would be effected.
Dr. Wang said that he wishes to keep State Dept fully informed of developments in Manchuria.