740.0011 P.W./5–2145

The Secretary of the Navy (Forrestal) to the Acting Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary: This is in response to your letter of 12 May 1945 and the annexed memorandum in which you request the views of the Navy Department on certain questions arising in connection with the political effects of the expected Soviet entry into the Pacific war and the relationship of the Yalta agreement on this subject.

I have seen and examined the letter of the Secretary of War to you on this subject. I am in accord with the views expressed by the Secretary of War in his reply to you. I agree with him that it is desirable that the Department of State endeavor to obtain from the Soviet Government the commitments and clarifications regarding the Far East which are set forth in your memorandum of 12 May 1945.

Sincerely yours,

James Forrestal