740.00119 P. W./8–1745: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 17—6:44 a.m.]
1373. I have just received from Dr. K. C. Wu, Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, the following letter which is self-explanatory and is, in full, as follows:
“My Dear Mr. Ambassador: I am directed by the Generalissimo to inform you that the following memorandum was handed by this Ministry to the French Chargé d’Affaires today.
‘The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Government of the Republic of China presents its complements to the French Embassy and, referring to the Embassy’s aide-mémoire dated August 14, 1945, requesting that the 5000 French troops now stationed in China be authorized to return to Indochina wherefrom they had recently evacuated, has the honor to inform the Embassy that the Chinese Government agrees to this proposal and that the necessary orders have been issued to the headquarters of the Commander in Chief of the Chinese Army which will in turn instruct these troops to prepare to return to Indochina.
The Chinese Government understands that within that area of Indochina demarcated for the Chinese Command to accept the surrender of the Japanese forces, the aforesaid French troops and other French armed forces as well as auxiliary forces shall coordinate their movements with the Chinese troops and that they shall be placed under the direction of the Supreme Commander of the China Theater or of the representative designated by him.’
I am also directed to make known to the French Chargé d’Affaires that as soon as the time and place for the acceptance of the surrender of the Japanese forces in the above-mentioned area are fixed, and as soon as the Chinese Commander to receive the surrender is designated, General Alessandri will be invited to go with him.
Yours sincerely, K. C. Wu.”