740.00119 PW/8–1645: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 16—5:25 p.m.]
1371. (The following message is from the President of the National Government of the Republic of China to the President of the United States of America.)
“In your message of August 11th20 transmitted to me by Ambassador Hurley, you stated in part: ‘It is also contemplated that General MacArthur [Page 502] will direct the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters to have Japanese forces in China, other than those opposing the Russians, surrender unconditionally to you or your subordinate commanders’. You further directed in that telegram that I enter into direct communication with General MacArthur. I immediately sent a telegram to General MacArthur agreeing to the plan of surrender proposed by you. Today I received a paraphrase of a general order to General of the Army MacArthur covering details of surrender of the Japanese armed forces. The plan of surrender outlined in that order, so far as it pertains to China, is in full as follows:
‘The Senior Japanese Commanders and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces within China (excluding Manchuria), Formosa and French Indochina north of 16 degrees north latitude shall surrender to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.’
Paragraph ‘C’ of the order above referred to is in full as follows:
‘The Senior Japanese Commanders and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces within the Andamans, Nicobars, Burma, Thailand, Netherlands Indies, New Guinea, Bismarcks, and the Solomons shall surrender (to the Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia Command or the Commanding General, Australian forces, the exact breakdown between Mountbatten and the Australians to be arranged between them and the details of this paragraph then prepared by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers).’
Hong Kong is in the Chinese Theater. Hong Kong is not included in the order above referred to as one of the places in which the Japanese forces will surrender to the British. Notwithstanding this I have today received the following memorandum from the British Embassy in Chungking:
[Here follows text of memorandum quoted in telegram No. 1370, August 16, 10 p.m., supra.]
The National Government of the Republic of China is now on the most friendly terms with His Majesty’s Government; but if the British Government does take such actions in contradiction to the agreements and the cooperative spirit of the Allied Nations, it will be indeed a matter of great misfortune to the Allies. I suggest, therefore, Mr. President, that this situation be brought at once to the attention of His Majesty’s Government and the Supreme Commander of the British forces and that they be requested to make their arrangements in accordance with your general order and refrain from taking any unwarrantable action.
Chiang Kai-shek by K. C. Wu.”