740.00119 P. W./8–1145: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Hurley) to the Secretary of State 9
Chungking, [August 12,
1945—2:12 a.m. (?)]
[Received August 11, 1945—11:58 p.m.]
[Received August 11, 1945—11:58 p.m.]
[120212.] Your White House 3279a delivered to Generalissimo 0910 hours, Chungking time, August 12. Generalissimo is in complete accord with the conditions of your message. He requested a short time to select officers to accompany MacArthur, also to designate officers who will accept surrender of all enemy troops in China other than those opposing Russians. In compliance with your suggestion, will hereafter contact MacArthur directly.