860h.01/5–1945: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy)

2324. Urtel 2810, May 19.91 Subasic has been requested by Tito to return urgently to Belgrade and is leaving San Francisco for Washington today and will probably leave the United States approximately one week hence. He is uncertain whether to travel direct or via London.

British Foreign Office has instructed Embassy here to advise us it has no objection to Subasic–Macek meeting, provided it does not take place on British soil. Since Subasic has little influence in present Government and no freedom of action, and in view of recent Yugoslav official broadcasts branding Macek as a traitor and collaborationist, we are not inclined to sponsor a Macek–Subasic meeting, which might introduce new complications at Belgrade. We shall, however, discuss the matter with Subasic here.

For your information we understand that Subasic’s diabetes and throat ailment have weakened him and that his condition is aggravated by discord with Partisan members of his delegation and anxiety over conditions in Croatia, not to speak of the serious international situation of the Yugoslav Government as a result of Tito’s actions in Venezia Giulia and Carinthia.

  1. Not printed; it reported that Dr. Machek desired to meet with Dr. Subasich and other Croatian leaders in London, and requested the Department to inquire if Dr. Subasich could stop off in London on his return from San Francisco (860h.01/5–1945).