811.32/7–1745: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan)

1658. ReEmb’s 2603, July 17. Senator Green66 and Congressman Forand67 have approached Dept and expressed deep interest in case of Lt. Uskievich’s wife. When you discuss this case with Soviet authorities please inform them of their interest and express the hope that Mrs. Uskievich will be permitted to leave shortly.68

  1. Theodore Francis Green, of Rhode Island.
  2. Aime J. Forand, of Rhode Island.
  3. In its telegram 1694, July 27, 8 p.m., the Department sent a further instruction that, in view of Senator Green’s active interest and that of the Navy Department in the Uskievich case, representations should be renewed to the Soviet Government, after the return of Ambassador Harriman from Berlin, in the various cases pending (811.32/7–2345).