103.9169/1–345: Telegram

The Minister in Sweden (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

28. Official definition of Germany according to Sohlman is Germany proper including Bohemia and Moravia. Sohlman’s comment yesterday (Legation’s 6, January 2, 4 p.m., 1 to London) as to what constituted Swedish interpretation (London’s 11088, December 14, 9 p.m., to Department, 837 to Stockholm18) was misunderstood. What Sohlman actually meant was stoppage of exports to Germany means that in [apparent garble] Europe excepting Norway and Denmark since Sweden has not for some time been exporting to Hungary, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Poland and German-occupied Balkan areas. The exports to Norway and Denmark pending conclusion of the Anglo-American-Swedish negotiations in London which contemplate reaching agreement as to extent and nature of JSC “supervision” and effective date thereof will consist only of carryovers from barter transactions entered into second half 1944. Swedes fully believe that such exports are permissible within interim understanding reached with Foot and Stone.

My 11, January 3, 5 p.m., repeats this to London.
