740.00112 European War 1939/12–2044: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Sweden (Johnson)
2. Department understands that Saturnus has just arrived at Göteborg. It therefore assumes that in accordance with its agreement,2 the Swedish Government will immediately terminate all exports to Germany and German controlled territory. In this connection, a review of incoming telegrams from Stockholm and London indicates that the Swedish Government has not made a categorical reply to our contention that Denmark and Norway fall within the definition of German controlled territory and, hence, the prohibition on exports applies to all shipments to these countries except those authorized by the Stockholm JSC3 after clearance with the American and British Governments (Department’s 2536, December 16, midnight, sent to London as its 10496, December 164). You are requested immediately to obtain an assurance from the Swedish Government that it concurs in our definition of German controlled territory.
Repeated to London as Department’s 3.
- Interim War Trade Agreement; for text of the memorandum serving as this agreement between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Sweden, see telegam 11032, December 12, 1944, 7 p.m., from London, ibid., p. 670, as modified by telegram 11088, December 14, 1944, 9 p.m., from London, ibid., p. 673, and telegram 10495, December 16, 1944, midnight, to London, ibid., p. 677.↩
- Joint Standing Commission consisting of United States, United Kingdom, and Swedish representatives was established in Stockholm to assure the Allied Governments that Swedish policy was in accordance with various wartime trade agreements.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. iv, p. 678.↩