851.00/5–245: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Spain (Armour)
728. We have discussed with the British and the French Embassies here the subject matter reurtel 920, May 2, 9 p.m. and previous telegrams and both Embassies have undertaken to wire their respective Foreign Offices. We suggested that the problem of Laval being brought to justice for his crimes against France is essentially a French problem. We feel therefore that the French should seek to have Laval and his party taken to the French border and there turned over to the appropriate French authorities. We told the French Embassy here that we would fully support such a request of the Spanish Government and we have suggested to the British Embassy that its Government instruct the British Embassy in Madrid to take similar action. Please consult with your British and French colleagues and take such action as you deem most appropriate to the end that the Spanish authorities deliver Laval and his party to the French border.
Are the people mentioned in urtel 911, May l,62 the same as those mentioned in your 919, May 2? If not please report what action the Spanish authorities have taken with regard to those people.
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