Department of Defense Files: Telegram

The Chief of the United States Military Representation on the Allied Control Commission for Rumania (Schuyler) to the War Department

M–1446. On 17 Aug I received the following note from General Susaikov:

“The Berlin Conference has rendered a decision on the question of revised procedures of the Allied Control Commissions in Rumania, Bulgaria and Hungary, according to which regulations for the ACC in Hungary were adopted as a basis for the Allied Control Commission in these countries.

In this connection, I have the honor to transmit herewith the new ACC regulations for Rumania.”

The enclosure entitled “Regulations of the ACC in Rumania” and transmitted with the letter reads as follows:

  • “1. The Allied Control Commission for Rumania has the mission to regulate and control until the conclusion of the peace the exact fulfillment of the terms of the armistice as stated in the convention concluded on 12 Sept 1944 between the Governments of the Soviet Union, the United States of America and the United Kingdom on the one hand, and the Government of Rumania on the other.
  • 2. The Allied Control Commission shall be headed by a Chairman who shall be a representative of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. On his staff there shall be a Deputy Chairman of the Commission, a Political Advisor, two Assistants of the Chairman, Chief of Staff of the Commission. Representatives of the United States of America and the United Kingdom shall be included in the Allied Control Commission. The Allied Control Commission has its own seat. The ACC will have its seat in the city of Bucharest.
  • 3. The ACC shall consist of:
    A group attached to the Political Advisor
    Administrative Section
    Military Section
    Military Air Section
    Military Naval Section
    Economic Section
    Transport Section
  • 4. Until the conclusion of the peace with Rumania the Chairman (Deputy Chairman) of the ACC shall regularly call meetings with British and American representatives for discussion of the many important questions pertaining to the work of the ACC. The meetings shall be called once every 10 days, and if necessary, more often.
  • The directives of the ACC on questions of principles shall be transmitted to the Rumanian authorities by the Chairman of the ACC (Deputy Chairman) after coordination of these directives with the British and American representatives.
  • 5. The British and American representatives of the ACC shall take part in the general conferences of section heads and local representatives of the ACC which shall be called by the Chairman of the ACC and shall take place regularly, and will also either personally or through their representatives participate on appropriate occasions in mixed commissions set up by the Chairman of the ACC on questions connected with the execution of its functions.
  • 6. During this period, the representatives of the United Kingdom and the United States of America shall have the right:
    To receive oral and written information from Soviet Officials of the ACC on any questions connected with the execution of the armistice convention.
    To submit for consideration by the Commission proposals of their governments on questions connected with the execution of the armistice convention.
    To receive copies of all communications, reports and other documents which might interest the Governments of the United States of America and the United Kingdom.
    To travel freely in the country with the provision that the dates and routes of the trips be furnished to the ACC in advance.
    To participate in general conferences or in meetings of the section or in meetings of the section heads of Commission.
    To contact the agencies of the Rumanian Government through the Chairman of the ACC, Deputy Chairman and heads of respective sections.
    To determine the size and composition of their own representations.
    All questions connected with clearances for the exit or entry of the members of the British or American Missions in Rumania will be decided upon by the Chairman of the ACC personally, within period not to exceed 1 week.
    To maintain direct contact with their respective governments by means of code telegrams and diplomatic pouch. The dispatch and arrival by air of mail, cargo and diplomatic couriers will be arranged by the British and American representatives of the ACC under procedure and schedules established by the ACC, and on special occasions, following a prior agreement with the Chairman (Deputy Chairman) ACC.
    To fix the monetary allowances to be obtained from the Rumanian Government for the expenses of their respective personnel, and to receive these funds through the Commission.
  • 7. In order to organize local control, the ACC shall have its empowered representatives in the provinces, districts, ports and in the most important enterprises.
  • 8. The Deputy Chairman and the Assistants of the Chairman of the ACC, as well as section heads, shall have the right to call in specialist officers through the local Military Command for consultation, inspections and investigations of special questions which may arrive in the course of the work of the ACC.
  • 9. The liaison with Rumanian Government agencies shall be maintained by representatives of the ACC not below the rank of Commission section head, and in the provinces, districts and ports by appropriate representatives of the Commission.”

For action taken by this Representation on receipt of subject letter and enclosure see my radio M–1447 dtd 18 August.37

  1. Infra.