711.60/6–345: Telegram
Mr. Harry L. Hopkins, Adviser to President Truman, and the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to President Truman
031300 NCR 8964. Your personal message for delivery to Stalin regarding the establishment of diplomatic relations with the former German Satellites (Message Number 021452, White House Number 28098) was received early this morning. Unless you feel that this matter is of such urgency as to require immediate delivery of your message, we both are of the opinion that it would be wiser to delay its delivery until the discussions in regard to Poland are completed.99 We are afraid that raising again directly from you to Stalin of the issues between us in these former enemy countries may get these issues entangled with the Polish question in Stalin’s mind and prejudice the chance of an acceptable agreement at this time regarding the Polish consultations. We will await your instructions.1
- See footnote 97, p. 550.↩
- Mr. Hopkins, who had undertaken a special mission to Moscow for President Truman, had proceeded to the Soviet capital in company with Ambassador Harriman to converse with Marshal Stalin upon matters under discussion between the Soviet Government and the Government of the United States. Between May 26 and June 6, Mr. Hopkins had held six conversations with Marshal Stalin, dealing with a number of important issues including the matter of the establishment of a Polish Provisional Government of National Unity. For documentation regarding Mr. Hopkins’ mission to Moscow, see Foreign Relations, The Conference of Berlin (The Potsdam Conference) 1945, vol. i, pp. 21–62. For further documentation regarding the Hopkins Mission in connection with the establishment of a Polish Provisional Government, see ante, pp. 299–331.↩
- President Truman replied to Ambassador Harriman in telegram 281, June 4, as follows: “Replying to your 031300. You are hereby authorized to delay delivery of my message to Stalin regarding establishment of diplomatic relations with former German Satellites until you consider the time appropriate.” (711.60/6–445)↩