740.00119 PW/9–2145: Telegram

The Chargé in Australia (Mmter) to the Secretary of State

148. Informally advised that Evatt at London made directly with the Portuguese Government amicable arrangements for handling Timor question. Hence last week Commander of Jap forces on the whole island went to Koepang, Dutch Timor, and surrendered to the Australian Commander there all his forces on the island, which forces said now to be straggling into Dutch territory. Australian Commander has asked permission of the Governor of Port Timor to land with a small force for relieving Australian nationals, the tending of graves, and the taking over of Jap matériel. He is now on a Corvette proceeding Dilli with a political advisor from External Affairs.

Portuguese troops said to be one week’s sailing from Dilli and Minister for External Affairs advises me they expect Australian Mission to have departed before such troops arrive.47

  1. Portuguese troops arrived in Timor on September 28.