Memorandum by the War Department Regarding the
Swedish Proposal to Alleviate Norwegian Distress Caused by the
Washington, 22 March
The acute food difficulties of Norway result from the German taking
of food there. For example, from roughly April 1940 to September
1944 the Germans have taken out of Norway some 1,000,000 tons of
fish. Germany has shipped in certain quantities of food, but in no
sense correlative to that taken out. No data has been presented
showing the food the Germans are at present taking from Norway, or
have taken in the last six months. It is not possible, therefore, to
judge the extent the Germans are aided by the shipments to Norway.
It must be assumed at least, however, that the German occupation
forces are being fed from local supplies, and, in consequence, that
shipments in are in replacement of supplies taken by the
The fact that the grain shipped to Norway is seed grain would not
prevent aid to the Germans. The seed grain would free the grain
already present in Norway for either animal or human
The Germans have recently taken for their own consumption Red Cross
prisoner of war supplies. If they have taken such supplies, no
reason is seen why they would not take supplies not so
The recommendation that the seed grain go in is partially based on
the assumption of an early termination of the war. One of the
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ways of bringing about such
early termination is to assure that the German morale is not aided
by a supplement to the German critical food supply.
More generally, the present request should be refused on the ground
that it is but one instance of a number which all tend to the
general breakdown of the German food blockade, at the very time when
it may be most effective. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have expressed
themselves as being against any relaxation, on the ground that, once
exceptions are made, no line can be drawn for not making others.
Requests are presently pending to ship to Norway: 5,000 tons of super
phosphate, 10,000 tons of flour or grain, and 1,000 tons of dried
peas; to occupied Holland, 5,000 tons per week of foodstuffs plus
medical supplies.
There are, in addition, substantial quantities of supplies which have
recently gone and are going at present into German-held Europe under
previous authorization. No overall statement has been made available
as to the total quantities of these supplies.
The non-German population still under German control amounts to many
millions. No reason is seen why, if we undertake to feed portions of
this non-German population, the Germans will not deprive the other
portions of essential supplies, so as to throw that burden upon the
We are already incapable of meeting the essential needs of the
liberated areas on our lines of communication. It is fair to assume
that these needs will increase before they will diminish. Any
supplies sent behind the German lines, in last analysis, detract
from our ability to meet the needs of the areas which are our prime
military responsibility.
It is submitted that a general overall survey should be made of all
supplies from all sources which are already authorized to go into
German-held Europe from areas outside.
In the terms previously employed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the
shipping in of the grain in question is counter-operational and,
therefore, from a military standpoint, should be opposed.