The Acting Secretary of State to the Netherlands Ambassador (Loudon)
The Acting Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency the Ambassador of the Netherlands and has the honor to inform him that on June 19, 1945 the Combined Chiefs of Staff decided to terminate military responsibility for provision and distribution of relief supplies for various countries including the Netherlands upon the completion of August loadings, and the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, has been so informed. Responsibility for the provision of petroleum, oil and lubricants and coal will be the subject of separate consideration.
The Acting Secretary is advised that while the Combined Military Authorities will do everything possible to ship all approved requirements up to and including August loadings, they cannot remain responsible after the termination of military responsibility for shipment of any approved requirements which for supply reasons were not available by that time.
It is understood that the shipping authorities are considering the transition of supply responsibility to the Netherlands Government and will endeavor to make available as nearly as possible an equivalent amount of tonnage. At the same time, the military authorities in conjunction with the Combined Boards expect to make such adjustments [Page 25] in existing allocations and procurement arrangements as may be necessary to insure a proper sharing of the total supplies allocated for liberated areas.
The Acting Secretary has every reason to believe that the transition of supply responsibility to the Netherlands Government will be carried out effectively, and that shipping and allocations of supplies will be adjusted as far as possible within the over-all limitations. To this end the agencies of the United States Government will lend every possible assistance and the Acting Secretary urges that the Netherlands Government appropriately instruct its supply and procurement officials concerning the responsibility to be assumed.