740.00119 E.W./4–2845: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 29—9:50 a.m.]
2199. For Matthews22 from Murphy.23 Reference my letter of April 16. The Department will be interested in SHAEF cable to Combined Chiefs of Staff Scaf 314 April 27 regarding truce in Holland. Latest developments are that two Generals from British 21st Army Group will enter into contact today with representatives of Seyss-Inquart. Discussions will be initially limited to question of food supplies for Holland. It has apparently not yet been decided when and if SHAEF will later take part in discussions. In meantime pending negotiations dropping of food by air will be begun today.
Russians have replied through military mission Moscow they have studied conditions of discussion with the Germans and would like to add one more namely that the German command be obligated not to transfer its troops to other parts of the front including the Russian front during the entire period of proposed armistice. [Murphy.]