740.00119 Control (Austria)/5–1545: Telegram
The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kennan) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 15—11:50 a.m.]
1582. ReEmbtel 1273, April 19, midnight. In reply to Clark Kerr’s note of April 12 expressing hope of British Government that Soviet Government would agree that four powers should jointly reply to Yugoslavia that its claim for participation in Austrian occupation was inadmissible Vyshinski stated on April 16 that Soviet Government considered that Yugoslavia had valid claim to participation with other Allied powers in occupation of enemy territories and suggested that [Page 1322] Yugoslav troops might occupy part of Soviet zone in Austria. Vyshinski also drew analogy between such an arrangement and participation of Belgian, Dutch and other Allied troops in occupation of British zone in Germany.
Roberts has now replied stating that British Government sees various objections to this plan and rejecting Vyshinski’s analogy to participation of Allied troops in occupation of British zone in Germany as not affording an exact parallel. British note points out that four governments occupying Austria have agreed to different treatment for Germany and Austria since latter country is to be liberated and its independence reestablished; that agreement for occupation of Germany provides for participation of auxiliary contingents, whereas no similar provision exists in draft agreement on Austrian occupation now before EAC, and inclusion of such provision was actually opposed by Soviet representative earlier in discussions; that departure from principle of four power responsibility in Austria would lead to requests of other Allied Governments for participation; and that participation of Yugoslavia, which has advanced claims for Austrian territory, would prejudice consideration of those claims at peace conference.
Sent Department as 1582 repeated to Caserta for Erhardt as 99 and to Belgrade as 4.