
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Caffery)

4236. Please inform Dr. Machek’s secretary that Dept does not consider Machek’s visit to this country for object stated would serve useful purpose at this time.45 Dept is carefully following developments in Yugoslavia through Embassy in Belgrade and will be happy to receive through your Embassy any views Machek may wish to bring to attention of this Govt.46

  1. In telegram 5327, September 5, 1945, 5 p.m., from Paris, the Department was informed that Dr. Machek had expressed, through his intermediary, Mr. Peshelj, a desire to come to the United States in an attempt to persuade the American Government to intervene in Yugoslavia for the purpose of securing a postponement of the coming elections. Machek reportedly felt that “American policy was now determining factor in Balkans and British would follow our lead.” (860h.00/9–545)
  2. From Caserta, the U.S. Political Adviser, Alexander Kirk, reported in telegram 3428, August 28, 1945, 3 p.m., that Dr. Machek, after discussions with King Peter, believed that a reorganization of the government under the King was still possible. “However only persons he suggested as possible components of new govt were older and largely discredited members of former govt in exile most of whom are still residing in United Kingdom.” (860h.01/8–2845)