860h.01/8–2245: Telegram

The Chargé in Yugoslavia (Shantz) to the Secretary of State

388. In talk with Embassy officer today …35 said he and Subasic are not likely to follow Grol in resigning now. He thinks Grol’s resignation has made very favorable impression throughout Serbia, but had no further effect. Therefore, although 90 percent of Croatian people are opposed to present regime, nothing can be done until Subasic makes up his mind to act. Subasic knows situation Croatia and is entirely dissatisfied with it, but according to … cannot decide to voice his discontent because of preponderating influence of Russia behind present regime.

… frightened for own safety surrounds his meetings with Americans and British with great secrecy. He states he has no quarrel with federation or republican system but is against this dictatorship which has filled all prisons and leaves everyone not an ardent Partisan in constant fear. He hopes Subasic will act more boldly after meeting Macek as he now plans to do in Paris early September on way to London for Foreign Ministers meeting.

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… receives Deputies regularly from Croatia who tell him he and Subasic are becoming daily more unpopular because of their collaboration with Partisans. They suggest a split away from Subasic. . . . discourages this, believing such a split would only increase uncertainty and have no marked effect. He hopes Croatian Peasant Party may soon have congress in Zagreb, although Subasic’s coming trip to London and nearness of elections would reduce its usefulness.

Trial of Kosutic and 65 other members of Croatian Peasant Party, including former Deputies and leaders, was to begin before Court of National Honor Zagreb today or tomorrow. Charges, according to . . . are: (1) Advising Domobrans36 not to join Partisans; (2) associating with Lorkovic and Vokic, Ministers in Pavelic Government, in planning putsch against Ustachi last year; and (3) meeting Germans in connection with putsch. Subasic has had talks with Tito and Kardelj and trial may be called off. This would make congress possible.

… summed up present situation as completely lacking in democratic principles and freedom; said he and friends no longer ask for Four Freedoms but would be satisfied now with one: Freedom from Fear. He remarked that new law establishing freedom of press is joke for if paper could be had to print opposition journal no one would dare publish it.

He especially urged that his name not be mentioned in connection with above statements.

Message top secret as to source.

  1. Omissions in this telegram are only name of informant.
  2. Domobranci, or Croatian Home Defense Guard.