740.00119 E.W./8–2445

The Chargé in France (Fullerton) to the Secretary of State

5139. For Harriman from Pauley. At a meeting early today the British and French (Waley and Rueff) informed me that they had decided to go to Moscow at Novikov’s request to receive the so-called USSR plan on reparations. A cable from Rueff’s people in Moscow stated that Novikov had informed them that his plan would be ready on Tuesday next.92 Both the British and the French have resolved to maintain the same position that we have always held, namely, to refer to the Control Council the plan to be submitted by Novikov. They will also refer to the Control Council any other matters which may involve or affect the determination of the amount and character of reparation removals as provided for in paragraph 6 of article IV of the Reparations protocol.93 They are hopeful of securing the Soviet approval of our interpretation of this matter while they are in Moscow. They further hope that by securing such approval the matter of who is to formulate the plan of removals will not have to be submitted to the Council of Foreign Ministers in London for decision as suggested by Novikov.

They also hope to persuade Novikov to discuss restitution and war trophies and reach an agreement with him on the definitions for these two items.

Inasmuch as the determination of what shall be removed from Germany as reparations is already before the Control Council and since we are relying on the United States representative on the Control Council to proceed with the determining of what is to be removed, I have arranged with Lieutenant General Lucius Clay to send a representative to Moscow to receive the Soviet plan and partake in any [Page 1266] further discussions he sees fit. I believe Clay will send Brigadier General Draper who is well versed on the matter of reparations as both his and my representative. Since you (Harriman) are fully familiar with all phases of reparations, I will appreciate it if you or one of your representatives will be present at these discussions in Moscow so that you may be able to handle any subjects that are discussed that call for State Department decisions. Please notify Novikov of the probable arrival of Clay’s nominee who is also my nominee along with Rueff and Waley on Friday August 31 and inform him that they expect to stay for 2 or 3 days only.

Sent to Moscow as 298; repeated to Dept as 5139. [Pauley.]

  1. August 28.
  2. Reference is to the Report on the Tripartite Conference of Berlin, Conference of Berlin (Potsdam), vol. ii, pp. 1499, 1506.