740.00119 EW/8–1545: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State

2911. From Pauley. The UK has submitted certain minor amendments to our proposed draft memorandum73 requesting various nations which may be entitled to reparations to submit certain data to the three Govts. I have approved these amendments which are merely meant to avoid any possible misinterpretations. Proposed memorandum has not yet been approved by the French Government. Immediately upon approval by France we have agreed that the UK and French representatives in Washington will approach you with the request that invitations be sent out immediately through diplomatic channels. UK and France will undertake to submit identical invitations at the same time.

I know that you will appreciate need for immediate action in this matter. [Pauley.]

  1. See telegram 2819, August 9, 2 p.m., from Moscow, p. 1248.