800.515/8–1045: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

1793. For Pauley. Dept is in receipt of Soviet request that this Govt arrange return to Soviet State Bank of Soviet currency uncovered by US forces, presumptively looted by Germans.

Re disposition of paper currencies issued by invaded United Nations and uncovered by Allied forces in Germany and Austria, this Govt proposes such presumptively looted currency be returned to country of issue, receipt of currency to cancel all claims of receiving country based on physical looting of returned currency by Germany. Such delivery of currency would be separate from reparation settlement.

Re disposition of all other non-German currencies uncovered in Germany and Austria, this Govt suggests these currencies be held as German foreign assets in trusteeship for ACC Germany by military now having custody, pending final decision on disposition of such currencies under reparation settlement.

Please seek agreement to foregoing in Reparation Commission.

In this regard, British Govt. previously suggested handing to countries of origin allied currencies uncovered in Germany upon agreement by recipients to remain accountable for currency so returned in accordance with principles to be agreed upon re treatment of such currency as restitution or reparation. Current views of British Govt on this subject are being ascertained.

Repeated to London for Clayton as 6767 and to Hoechst for Murphy for Despres as 256.
