740.00119 EW/5–1445
President Truman to the Acting Secretary of State
My Dear Mr. Secretary: Mr. Pauley and Mr. Lubin have informed me of the meeting they held with you on May 3, 1945.
[Page 1216]I understand that both Mr. Pauley and Mr. Lubin informed you that it was their determined intention to conduct their negotiations on reparations matters in constant consultation and with the advice of the Secretary of State and in accordance with the foreign policy of the United States. I am further informed that they will undertake to transmit all requests for directives directly to the Secretary of State and will inform him in advance of any communications to me which have any bearing upon our foreign policy.
I can assure you that both gentlemen have the greatest desire to work in close harmony both with the Secretary of State and all other government agencies including the War Department which will be responsible for the administration of the United States zone of occupation and for representing the United States on the Control Council.90
Sincerely yours,
- On May 15, the Acting Secretary of State transmitted President Truman’s letter to the Secretary of State under a covering note in which he made the following comment: “While the arrangement now laid down may not be completely satisfactory to us, nevertheless I think we have gained a great deal and the fact that we have registered your position with regard to your responsibility in matters of foreign policy will probably reflect upon such decisions as may be taken in future cases.” (740.00119 EW/5–1445)↩