740.00119 EW/4–1645: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 16—2:30 p.m.]
3884. In reply to the Embassy’s note communicating the substance of the Department’s telegram No. 2665, April 5, 8 p.m.59 regarding French participation on the Reparations Commission, the Foreign Office now advises that instructions somewhat along the lines of the Department’s reference telegram have been sent the British Ambassador in Moscow60 who will inform the Soviet Government that it is the thought of the British Government that at the outset the Reparations Commission should be confined to representatives of the United Kingdom, United States, Soviet and French Governments; that the British Government hopes that the Soviet Government will not press their proposal for additional representatives; and that in the meantime the British Government proposes advising the French Government [Page 1198] that their membership has been agreed to by the other three Governments. The Foreign Office adds that the French Government has already been told that their claim to membership on the Reparations Commission has the support of the British Government.