840.414/10–1845: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State

803. Department’s 654, Oct. 11.94a February 1, 1946 is estimated date for completion of collection of archives and not of exploitation. [Page 1122] Department’s instructions as to destruction of low level documents95 are being brought to the attention of Director of Intelligence, OMGUS,96 as well as to G–2, United States Forces European Theatre.

  1. See footnote 95, p. 1122.
  2. Department’s 654, which contained instructions on destruction of low level documents, not printed. The telegram stated: “We are concerned about desire to destroy certain so-called low-level documents and records, in particular, papers of the NSDAP and affiliated organizations” and declared that “under no circumstances should such papers be destroyed before examination by State Department representatives.” (840.414/10–545)
  3. Office of Military Government of the United States (for Germany).