740.00119 Control (Germany)/5–2245: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 23—8:31 p.m.]
2877. From Murphy.69 A survey by economic experts of SHAEF70 reveals that food situation in area in Germany under responsibility of Supreme Commander71 is critical and that only about 1200 to 1400 calories per day can be provided for urban populations during crop year 1945–1946. Uneven distribution and present inadequate handling of situation by German officials at regional and lower administrative levels have led G–572 to propose the utilization of German agricultural and food officials and technical personnel by their economic control agency. Gen Clay73 has concurred in the following recommendations.
It is proposed that a group of 40 to 50 experienced German food and agricultural officials and experts, drawn from the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture and Reich Food Estate, many of whom have been located, be assembled, probably at Wiesbaden, and after proper [Page 862] screening be used by economic control agency, G–5 Division, as a source of information and to perform the following functions:
- (1)
- Assistance in re-establishing and activating food and agricultural control agencies at regional and lower administrative levels.
- (2)
- Planning of a production program for 1945–1946 including agricultural supply requirements.
- (3)
- Preparation of plans for collection, distribution and rationing of agricultural products and control of prices.
- (4)
- Collection and maintenance of essential statistical records.
While this group will initially be without executive powers it is believed necessary to create as early as possible in agreement with the Russian and French Govts a centralized German agency with responsibility for over-all planning coordination and execution of agricultural and food programs.
It has been recommended that 4 senior agicultural officers (2 Brit and 2 Amer) from SHAEF Economic Control Agency be designated initially to supervise the German administrator and his staff. Loyd Steere75 is to be in charge and Dr. Alfons Moritz, former Ministerial Director Dept Two (Production and Supply) of Ministry of Food and Agriculture, has been suggested as possible head of German group.76 [Murphy.]
- Robert D. Murphy, U.S. Political Adviser for Germany.↩
- Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force.↩
- General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower.↩
- Headquarters general staff division dealing with civil affairs.↩
- Lt. Gen. Lucius D. Clay, Deputy Military Governor, Deputy Chief of Staff, and Commanding General, U.S. Group, Control Council for Germany.↩
- Loyd V. Steere, agricultural adviser on the staff of the U.S. Political Adviser for Germany.↩
- In telegram 3468, June 11, from Paris, not printed, Mr. Murphy reported that forty or fifty key officials of the former Reich Food and Agricultural Ministry had been located. In order to avoid the impression that a ministry was being reconstituted, small groups of these officials had been selected and taken to an assembly area north of Erfurt where they were given a preliminary program of work. They were instructed to devise a program for farm production and food utilization for 1945–46 within ten days, in consultation with Allied technical experts. (740.00119 Control (Germany)/6–1145)↩