740.00119 Control (Germany)/9–2745: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

8515. For Ambassador from Clayton.3 Inquire of Foreign Minister whether HMG proposes to instruct General Montgomery to approve issuance at Oct 1 meeting of ACC the US proposal regarding vesting and marshalling of German external assets. At Potsdam President instructed General Clay to make this proposal to ACC. It has been pending since. French and Russians agree to it. British Group CC4 state US proposal has been approved in principle by British but that British refuse to approve issuance. Definite indication of British view is urgently desired in order to consider whether in event of British opposition tripartite steps should be taken under arrangement for zonal action and interzonal agreements when unanimous consent appears impossible. Inform Foreign Minister that US [Page 841] Govt is considering this possibility in view of present British hesitancy to implement a principle to which UK has agreed.

Point out to Foreign Minister that enactment of such law is required by Art. 3, Sect. 18 of Potsdam Communiqué. Add that vesting decree does not conflict with proposals already discussed with British for approaches to neutrals along diplomatic lines regarding arrangements for taking over German assets. Rather enactment of vesting decree strengthens our hand in approaching neutrals along such lines and US Govt considers it extremely important that ACC decree be issued without further delay.

Repeated to USPolAd, Berlin for Murphy to inform Clay. [Clayton.]

  1. Assistant Secretary of State William L. Clayton.
  2. The British element of the Control Commission for Germany.