740.00119 Control (Germany)/12–1945: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to Diplomatic Missions in the American Republics

Supplementing circular telegram of December 18 regarding message of Allied Control Council to United Nations governments with respect to the return to Germany of German officials and agents and other obnoxious Germans, you are requested to state informally to FonOff upon delivery of message that you are prepared (1) to receive for transmission to Control Council information requested regarding names, numbers and former residences of Germans, and (2) to make available to Government all information in your possession on dangerous Germans, and otherwise to assist in every way possible in [Page 819] selecting those Germans who should be expelled to Germany for disposition there. You are authorized to furnish to local authorities repatriation lists agreed upon with British or to use the agreed lists in other ways, as you in your discretion may determine, maintaining principle that lists are not necessarily final or comprehensive and may be amended or supplemented.
