741D.62115/8–945: Telegram

The Minister in Ireland (Gray) to the Secretary of State

173. Re Legation’s telegram 172; 39 to London. Believe point raised by Winant regards paragraph 4 of our suggestions for note requesting repatriation of certain German categories well taken. Our draft was pronounced tentatively as basis for discussion and constructive criticism. Further consideration here inclines us to view that paragraph 1 of our 172 should be based on explicit statement of de Valera that as far as it lay with Irish Govt Eire was externally associated with British Commonwealth. The gist of paragraph 1 would therefore read substantially as follows.

The United Nations regard with satisfaction the recent statement of the Irish Prime Minister that insofar as it may lie with the Irish Govt Eire is externally associated with the British Commonwealth of Nations. With the termination of the war in Europe Irish neutrality is no longer in issue and United Nations in which all states of British Commonwealth have membership may confidently expect the cooperative action implied in such association.

Sent Dept 173 repeated London 40.
