740.00115 EW/5–1745

Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Special War Problems Division (Clattenburg)

A conference was held in the office of the Chief of FC93 (Mr. Lyon being absent elsewhere) between representatives of FC, SWP94 and the British Embassy to discuss certain questions which the British Embassy had been asked to take up with the State Department respecting the repatriation of obnoxious Germans throughout the world. The British Government apparently feels that all German technicians and German agents abroad should be repatriated at the earliest possible moment in order to be taken care of under the military regime. It was apparent that the British were not aware of General Eisenhower’s95 statement that he was unable at the moment to accept in the theatre any large quantity of Germans from outside Europe.

It was explained to Mr. Maclean, the British Embassy representative, that the Department was giving urgent thought to a program of repatriation for Germans, that it was not clear whether such a program would have to await the formation of the Allied Control Council and that the majority of the dangerous Germans in Latin-American countries had already been listed by its representatives in connection with the Proclaimed List and internment programs. The belief was expressed that the British listing of dangerous Germans in European countries would be an adequate guide for all concerned. So far as concerns Anglo-American cooperation in representations in the other American republics it was pointed out that the Department would have to rely in the Latin-American countries upon a joint Pan-American program rather than upon any Anglo-American approach. Mr. Maclean readily understood this point.

  1. Division of Foreign Activity Correlation.
  2. Division of Special War Problems.
  3. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force.