740.00119 EAC/9–445: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

9015. Comea 355. EAC (European Advisory Commission) has tentatively approved Secretary General’s report on work of EAC86 and will hold final formal meeting to record approval of that paper (which will be attached to the minutes) and to record dissolution of EAC.87 Commission does not wish to hold final meeting until all four Govts approve additional requirements agreement, which was transmitted to four Govts on July 25. As reported mytel 7820 August 3 Comea 34988 UK Govt approved that agreement August 2. Soviet representative in letter of Sept 4 has notified me his Govt’s approval. Massigli in last EAC meeting stated he was informed orally his Govt also approved. He now tells me he expects written confirmation such approval later this week.89 I should very much like to be able inform colleagues of US approval before end this week in order EAC wind up its affairs.

  1. For the report on the work of the European Advisory Commission, dated September 10, see p. 544.
  2. This final formal meeting of the Commission was never held. For documentation regarding the dissolution and final report of the Commission, see pp. 539 ff.
  3. Not printed.
  4. In telegram 9397, September 3, 8 p.m., from London, not printed, Ambassador Winant reported that the French Representative to the Commission in a letter of September 10 had informed him of the French Government’s approval of the Agreement on Certain Additional Requirements (740.00119 EAC/9–1345).