740.00119 E.W./5–1045

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Acting Secretary of State

Participants: The President, Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau, Under Secretary Bell,36 Messrs. Clayton and Phillips; Acting Secretary, Mr. Grew

I went to the President for a second conference this afternoon with Secretary Morgenthau, Mr. Bell, Under Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Clayton and Mr. Phillips.

(1) Mr. Clayton presented to the President the final draft of the directive to the Commander-in-Chief in Europe for the post-war [Page 511] treatment of Germany which Mr. Clayton said had now been approved by all members of the Committee and by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Mr. Morgenthau concurred. I raised the question of early public pressure to publish and he thought that this should be done as soon as we had time to go through the paper and eliminate any of its contents the publication of which might cause embarrassment to our Allies. The President wrote his approval on the document. Mr. Clayton undertook to have a new photostat made of the document and sent to him as soon as possible.

. . . . . . .

Joseph C. Grew
  1. Under Secretary of the Treasury, Daniel W. Bell.