The Secretary of State refers to the draft directive on “United Nations
Prisoners of War”97
prepared by the American delegation to the European Advisory Commission
and encloses a redraft of this directive as a general statement of
policy on the subject for presentation to the European Advisory
There is likewise transmitted with this instruction a copy of a
memorandum of February 5, 1945 communicating the approval of the State,
War and Navy Departments of this redraft and making certain comment
Memorandum by the Chairman of the State-War-Navy
Coordinating Committee (Dunn) to the
Secretary of State
Washington, February 5,
The State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee has reviewed the United
States draft directive on “United Nations Prisoners of War in
Germany” prepared by the United States Adviser, European Advisory
Commission. They have approved the appended redraft (enclosure #1)
of this directive as a general statement of policy on the
The State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee recommends that this
redraft be transmitted to the United States representative on the
European Advisory Commission for his guidance.
The Coordinating Committee invites the attention of the Secretary of
State to the cable to the American Ambassador in London (10371—12
December 1944)98 a copy of
which is attached as enclosure #2. In accordance with the policy set
forth in this cable, the Coordinating Committee has approved a
statement of policy on the subject of United Nations Prisoners of
War which differs from the somewhat detailed directive submitted by
the United States Adviser, European Advisory Commission, in that it
contains only general policy provisions of the type on which
agreement should be reached in the European Advisory Commission
negotiations. It has been phrased in a form applicable for inclusion
as a section or part of a broad
[Page 410]
general directive, or appendix thereto,
dealing with the initial governing of Germany.
The Coordinating Committee has given consideration to the possibility
of including in this statement of policy (enclosure #1), provisions
covering the treatment of internees as suggested in recent cables
from the American Ambassador in London. The reason for this
suggestion was not stated by the Ambassador and was not apparent to
the Coordinating Committee. Internees in enemy custody will not
normally be found in prison camps where prisoners of war are also
placed. Upon release from detention, they will not, as will
prisoners of war, be a part of the armed forces or merchant marine
of their nations. Their treatment and disposition would ordinarily
differ from that to be afforded to prisoners of war. The
Coordinating Committee, however, will be prepared to re-examine this
question upon receipt of information as to the reasons supporting
the Ambassador’s suggestion.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff have advised the Secretary of War and the
Secretary of the Navy that they have considered the proposed
statement of policy on United Nations Prisoners of War submitted to
them by the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee, and that they
perceive no objection, from the military point of view.
This advice on the part of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was given prior
to the enlarging of the definition of United Nations Prisoners of
War to include certain members of the armed forces of ex-enemy
countries. However, the Combined Chiefs of Staff have approved the
policy in substantially the same form with respect to Italy.