740.00119 EAC/1–2645: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)84
603. There has been transmitted to you as an enclosure to Department’s instruction 4980, January 13, 1945, a revision of JCS 1067 designed to adapt it in form but without any change of substance or of policy, for use as a basis of tripartite negotiation in EAC. The revision sets forth a statement of general policy and includes as appendices more specific statements of political, economic and relief policy. An appendix on financial policy will follow. We intend to supplement this revision of JCS 1067 by other statements of policy of subjects not covered either by it or by draft directives or statements of policy heretofore forwarded to you. We expect within a few days to transmit statements of policy regarding prisoners of war and disarmament.
We believe that revised 1067 including appendices should be submitted by you to EAC in substantially the form transmitted to you. We appreciate that you may not be able to persuade EAC to accept it as the basis for discussion of tripartite agreement. In such case [Page 396] we repeat, as indicated in our cable of 12 December,85 that you are authorized to subdivide 1067, or to rephrase or change the form of any parts thereof (or of any other policy directive furnished you) for purposes of negotiation in EAC so long as any such revised documents are consistent in policy and substance with the views expressed in 1067 and in the other approved policy documents forwarded to you. Any documents agreed to in EAC will of course be subject to final approval by this Government.
In general we believe and we understand that you agree that EAC action should be taken only on broad general policies appropriate for discussion on a governmental level and that it should be a function of the zone commanders collectively as members of the Control Council to prepare and issue supplementary directives, as may be appropriate, covering the implementation of such broad policies. They should do likewise individually in the separate areas of responsibility of the zone commanders. Such supplementary action by the Control Council should not require separate approval by the three Governments as long as it is reasonably within the broad policies previously approved.
- Marginal note reads: “Drafted by C.A.D. (Civil Affairs Division) of War Department.”↩
- Telegram 10371, December 12, 1944, to London, Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. i, p. 418.↩