740.00119 EAC/7–545: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State 81
[Received July 5—2:45 p.m.]
6775. Cornea 322. French EAC delegation has proposed slight redraft proposed letter re US right of passage in French zone in Germany (mytel 6634, July 1;82 urtel 5294, June 29). Beginning of text:
In signing today on behalf of my Govt agreement on zones of occupation in Germany and administration of “Greater Berlin,” recommended to four Govts by EAC, I inform you on instruction of my Govt that the French Govt assures to the US forces of occupation the right of free passage across and above the French passage [zone] of occupation. It is understood that the US forces will exercise exclusive control over US constructed bridges over the Rhine and US constructed communication facilities built in Germany with the right of passage and use for French forces over these US constructed bridges and facilities in or leading into the French zone. Detailed arrangements regarding these matters will be worked out by mutual agreement between the French Commander in Chief and the US Commander in Chief in Germany. End of Text.
Suggestion of “exclusive control” instead of “exclusive right” seems appropriate since reference is made below to French “right of passage.”