740.00119 EAC/6–2545: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

6399. Comea 299. Today De Leusse informed Mosely French Govt accepts US zone proposal set forth in Depts 4980 June 21 rptd to Paris as mytel 390, June 22, with inclusion of Sigmaringen, southern Württemberg and Lindau, on three conditions.

Transmission of letter re later review of French zone (mytel 6193, June 19; rptd Paris 380) text of which is approved by French Govt.
Re French access to administrative archives in Karlsruhe (mytel 6237, June 20; rptd Paris 382) French Govt request second letter. I believe following draft would meet French wishes. “In connection with the need of the French Military Govt authorities in Baden to utilize the administrative records of the state of Baden, as set forth by you in the discussions of the area in Germany to be occupied by forces of the French Republic, I wish to inform you, on instruction of my Govt that the US military authorities in Germany will be prepared to make available to the French military authorities in Germany the records and archives located at Karlsruhe and relating to the area of French occupation in Baden.”
French Provisional Govt desires publication of the letter proposed in mytel 6193 and approved by Dept’s 4980. Mosely pointed out to De Leusse that publication of basic EAC documents can be determined only by EAC on instruction of four Govts; therefore publication of text of supplementary letter could not be determined bilaterally between French and US Govt. De Leusse then suggested that French Govt or French and US Govts together make public statement that US Govt will be prepared at later stage in Allied occupation to review assignment of areas of occupation between French and US zones. De Leusse was informed that question of public statement would be referred to US Govt.

Text of agreement amending protocol on zones to include French zone now being prepared. Urgent reply re conditions 2 and 3 above will expedite early signature.

Sent Dept as 6399; rptd Paris as 399 for Caffery and Murphy.
