740.00119 Control (Germany)/6–445

Memorandum by the Acting Director of the Office of Strategic Services (Buxton) to the Secretary of State

The contents of the following message, dated 2 June, from the OSS representative in Bern22 and addressed to the Director of Strategic Services,23 has been transmitted to SHAEF:

“I have pointed out orally the unfortunate results which would accrue from the proposed delimitations of zones of occupation in Germany and Austria. If I am correctly informed, the proposed French zone of occupation will cut off Switzerland from any direct contact with the American zones of occupation in Germany and Austria.

“Switzerland’s importance in the reconstruction of Europe far exceeds its size or population. It can be useful (a) in the tremendously intricate task of German re-education, (b) as an observation [Page 325] posed in mytel 6193 and approved by Dept’s 4980. Mosely pointed lion with German-Italian as well as German-Swiss trade relations.

“The free passage of persons from Switzerland into the American zone of occupation, subject only to American military control, is extremely important. This is also true of the like passage of Swiss literature, newspapers and other expressions of Swiss culture, when it appears useful to permit these influences to go to Germany.

“By putting a narrow band of French control between American zones of occupation and Switzerland, we already are encountering difficulties which may become increasingly burdensome. Because all German border points have been under French control, we have already lost the opportunity to take over certain German agents operating in Switzerland. The future utility of Switzerland as an observation post for Germany and countries further east will be substantially lessened by the difficulties of obtaining direct and untrammelled access to the American zone from Switzerland.

“To gain the substantial and desirable benefits from such free access it will not be necessary to change the general plan of zone delimitation. It would only be necessary to have one point on the Swiss frontier under American occupation. This point could serve adequately as the channel through the French zone to the American zone.

“I am convinced that we shall on many occasions in the coming months deeply regret, or find ourselves embarrassed by any failure to reserve such a channel.”

G. Edward Buxton
  1. Apparent reference to Allen W. Dulles, representative in Switzerland of the Office of Strategic Services.
  2. Maj. Gen. William J. Donovan.