740.00119 EAC/6–245: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

4385. State and War Depts have considered French counterproposal for zone in Germany as reported in Comea 269 and 272,16 together with additional assurances given by French Emb here respecting French willingness to accord all guarantees respecting transportation [Page 322] and other facilities in the proposed French zone.17 Please inform French Rep as follows:

US Govt considers it has made a fair and reasonable proposal to accord France a zone of occupation in Germany. This American proposal gives France a sizeable zone in Germany while taking account of the essential transportation and logistic requirements of American occupation forces which require lines of communication of over 3000 miles which cut across other countries or other zones of occupation. On the other hand, the proposed French zone in Germany is largely contiguous to French territory and presents no supply problems comparable to those facing us. US Govt must therefore insist that it retain the facilities it requires for the administration of its zone and is surprised that French Govt does not agree at once to the US proposal.

Please make it altogether clear to French Rep that US Govt cannot accept his counterproposal and that the arguments advanced therefor are by no means convincing in view of the other considerations involved.

Sent to London as 4385; repeated to Paris as 2482.

  1. Telegrams 5277, May 25, and 5336, May 27, from London, pp. 306 and 309, respectively.
  2. See memorandum of conversation by the Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs (Riddleberger), May 31, supra.