740.00119 Control (Germany)/5–2945: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

3066. The substance of the Dep’s 2351,3 May 28 in memo form was conveyed to Chauvel4 this afternoon who promised that he would bring it personally to the attention of Bidault this evening. He added that he heartily approves of the action we propose to take in this regard and will recommend that the French Govt send similar instructions to Massigli. He added that our communication might hasten the announcement of the French member of the German Control Commission. He concluded by warning, however, that the final decision would, of course, rest with de Gaulle.

Sent Dept 3066; rptd London 361 and Moscow 93.

  1. Same as Department’s telegram 4216, May 26, to London, p. 308.
  2. Jean Chauvel, Secretary General of the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs.