Moscow Embassy Files: Telegram
Mr. Harry L. Hopkins, Special Assistant to President Truman, to the President
[Moscow,] May 27, 1945.
272211. . . .
. . . . . . .
We96 urged Stalin to announce at once the appointment of Zhukov as the Soviet member of the Control Council, to which he agreed.97 [Page 311] He indicated that it was desirable that the four members of the Control Council should meet promptly to organize the control machinery for Germany.
- For the remainder of this telegram, see document No. 36, dated 28 May 1945, Conference of Berlin (Potsdam), vol. i, p. 86.↩
- Presumably Ambassador Harriman and Mr. Hopkins. For the record of the conversation between Mr. Hopkins, Ambassador Harriman, Marshal Stalin, and Foreign Commissar Molotov, held at the Kremlin, May 27, at 8 p.m., see the memorandum by Mr. Charles E. Bohlen, dated May 27, 1945, ibid., p. 31.↩
- See footnote 93, p. 309.↩