740.00119 Control (Germany)/5–2345: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State

2898. Your 275, May 17.81 Confirming my telephone conversation with Dr. Mosely regarding the possibility of including the Kreis of Oberwesterwald in the bridgehead east of the Rhine River, Chief of Staff82 has given me a memorandum of May 22, 1945 quoted below: (Paraphrased)

“With reference to inquiries made by you concerning the release to the French of Buhl and Eastatt in Baden, Oberwesterwald Kreis in Hessen-Nassau and the Kreise of Baden-Baden, please be informed that although the area in Baden proposed for release possesses some very attractive features, logistical studies indicate no military reason why both areas should not be released. However, I hope that renewed concessions by us will not give an impression of indecision which may lead the French to urge further concessions thereby tending to prolong [Page 304] the negotiations. In order to avoid some of the practical difficulties attendant on the present situation we may have to consider an interim territorial adjustment if the discussions continue to be prolonged.”

Sent London as 329, rptd Dept as 2898.

  1. Same as telegram 4921 from London, p. 298.
  2. Lt. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith.