740.00119 Control (Germany)/5–1145: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:37 p.m.]
2528. Sixth Army Group has reported to SHAEF that since Fifteenth Army is to control Rhineland Province, First French Army was asked to evacuate the Landkreise of Bergzabern, Landau, Germersheim and Speyer. In reply to a second request from Sixth Army Group, First French Army stated the following, in substance, were the views of the French Government:
Begin summary. France is directly concerned in the future of the left bank of the Rhine; military conveniences alone must not dictate that question. Until the matter is settled by agreement between the Governments at Paris, Washington, London and Moscow, France is obliged to occupy the area in question. Because the area is to be eventually regretable [apparent garble]. End summary.
SHAEF is disposed to let the matter rest pending decision on the French zone.
[For the British view regarding the question of the withdrawal of Allied military forces into the agreed zones of occupation, see Prime Minister Churchill’s messages No. 40, May 11, No. 41, May 11, and No. 44, May 12, to President Truman, Conference of Berlin (Potsdam), volume I, pages 5–9.]