740.00119 EAC/5–745: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

3582. While we agree to the desirability of the procedure outlined in your Cornea 229 of informing the most interested Allied Governments of control arrangements through the EAC channel prior to issuing a public statement, the pressure here is becoming hourly greater and has reached a point where the correspondents are intimating to the War Department that the EAC has not been able to reach agreement on this matter.

To avoid adverse publicity, we therefore hope that summaries of the control machinery and occupation arrangements approved by the EAC can be communicated to the European Allied Governments at once. Please do your utmost to expedite this matter, informing us immediately when any action is taken. If the EAC cannot agree to the publication of a summary on control machinery arrangements within a day or two, the War Dept may be compelled to issue a summary here.
