740.00119 EAC/4–545: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 5—11:45 a.m.]
3456. For the Secretary, Assistant Secretary Dunn and Mr. Matthews. Special German Series 3.
At last night’s meeting the European Advisory Commission unofficially approved in principle the request of the French Provisional Government for inclusion in the unconditional surrender instrument (EAC 45/2 transmitted in my despatch No. 20275 of January 926) and for inclusion in the control machinery agreement (EAC 45/11 transmitted in my despatch No. 21116 of February 1927), final action to be taken later. Formal protocols for signature are being prepared.
With respect to the question raised in Department’s 2547, April 3, noon, which concerns the Commission on Dismemberment, I will take this up with Mr. Eden as soon as he returns to London today. I hope no action will be taken by Caffery28 in Paris until we get Russian and British agreement.
Sent to Department as 3456, repeated to Paris as 183.
- Neither printed; for a description of the memorandum by the French Representative on the European Advisory Commission, E.A.C. (45) 2, January 6, regarding draft amendments to the Instrument of Surrender, see telegram 227, January 6, from London, p. 169 ↩
- Neither printed↩
- Jefferson Caffery, Ambassador in France↩