740.00119 EAC/1–45: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

108. Personal for the Secretary and Assistant Secretary Dunn. My 11575, December 30, 8 p.m.;7 my 59, January 2, 11 p.m. I hope that the Department is giving careful consideration to the French request for equal participation in the occupation and control of Germany. As soon as the three Governments decided to admit France without reservation to full membership in the European Advisory Commission, ultimate French participation in German affairs on a footing of equality with the other three powers, it must be supposed, became only a question of time.

An early decision on principle on the French request will, I am sure, greatly facilitate the work of the Commission. It is gratifying to be able to report that the French have taken a constructive attitude in the EAC. Massigli implied strongly that if the three Governments agree in principle to modify the agreements on the surrender instrument, on zones of occupation and on control machinery so as to include France, his Government does not plan to present amendments of substance to these basic documents. The United Kingdom Government has already expressed its approval in principle of the French request.

If our Government wishes to avoid being last to accede in principle to the French request, it is urgent for me to make some informal arrangement with Gousev to move together on this question. I think Gousev would agree, if so requested, to inform me of his Government’s decision prior to informing the Commission, but I cannot ask him to [Page 163] unduly delay transmitting a formal decision of his Government unless there is strong expectation of early action in Washington. I should like to have your immediate reactions as to the desirability of some such informal arrangement for synchronizing American and Russian action in this matter.8

  1. See footnote 2, p. 161
  2. Telegram 149, January 6, to London, stated that urgent consideration was being given to the French proposals and that the chances of early acceptance in principle were sufficiently good to warrant Winant’s speaking to Gousev along the lines suggested (740.00119 EAC/1–445)